+55 67 3028 9000



The Real H Nutrition and Animal Health is a Brazilian company, based in Campo Grande, MS and branches in the cities of Cuiabá (MT), Ji -Paraná (RO) and Betim (MG).

With production capacity exceeding 450 tons per day and infrastructure necessary for the productivity, research and development, the company provides products for nutrition of cattle, ovine, caprine, equine and swine. By maintaining a high demand in this production process, customers consistently receive newly developed products.

With regard to animal health, the Real H is a pioneer in the use of Homeopathy for the Herd. A therapeutic method, developed by veterinarian Prof. Dr. Claudio Martins Real, received the title of “Father of Veterinary Homeopathy in Brazil.” Homeopathy for the Herd promotes productivity gains by reducing the stress of the animals. By reinforcing the company’s commitment to environmental and conservation issues, the company also rationalizes the use of chemical drugs in rural areas.

Not only nationally but internationally recognized as well, this company is developing and investing in high technology to ensure the welfare of large animals. The Real H decided to innovate and launch into the market in late 2009. Homeo Pet line, specifically for the treatment of dogs and cats, is composed of twenty- four products intended for pets. The Homeo Pet line is an effective product that helps with healing and preventing the following in pets: diarrhea, heart and kidney problems and also in the solution of common problems encountered daily in veterinary clinics, such as infestations by fleas and ticks.

The homeopathic laboratory of the Real H, located next to the nutrition plant’s main-office, is now one of the largest in Latin America and caters not only to all Brazilian states, but also Paraguay.

The Real H team consists of over 300 professionals. The technical and commercial team of the company, both for the lines of nutrition and for products intended for animals is a wide network of representatives and qualified distributors, which enables personalized customer service.

There are concerns about those who work directly or indirectly with the Real H. However, there are Enhancement projects such as the Cycles Project, which focus on human resources and raise awareness about conservation and coexistence. These efforts have been helpful in demonstrating the care that the company has with such issues.

Welcome to the Real H, a company dedicated to promoting the well being of not only animals, but also humans.

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